Get What You’re Worth: The Art of Salary Negotiation

Salary negotiation is one of the parts of the job application process which frightens people the most. You may think of it like a game of Blackjack; shoot too high and you lose the whole games. But it doesn’t have to be a total risk. We know because obviously we deal in this kind of stuff every day but also because there was a time we were on that side of the interview table. It can be scary or unnerving. Our point is we understand and hope this helps.

There are many salary negotiation tips and advice to make sure you get what you deserve and still seem like a bargain to your employers.

Salary Negotiation (A How To)

  • Do Your Homework: Salary negotiation is just like any other negotiation. The person who knows the most going in has the best advantage. Use a tool like or to find out what people with your experience in your region are making, then figure out what you need to live on, and plan to meet somewhere in the middle.
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“That was some excellent strategy! You must read Resume to Interviews’ blog! Photo source: Flickr

Salary negotiation is a difficult point to maneuver, but just like everything else in the job search, you have to approach it with confidence. If you show your employer your worth, then it will be far easier to get that worth from them.

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