• This is a great Summary, but Money Lender isn’t the best term. We prefer something like “Financial Manager”. • Your competencies aren’t really skills, so much as something you’d want to talk to a therapist about. Maybe try something like banking regulations, accounting practices, or programs you work with. Are you familiar with Excel?Read More
Month: December 2016
Job Interview Tips | Common Job Interview Questions
Before the Interview Research the Company It’s a smart move to learn more about the company you are planning to work for. You would not want to say the wrong things when talking about the company. The interviewers would be more impressed if you knew something about their current projects or other interests they have.Read More
Cover Letter Advice | Expert Cover Letter Tutorial
Cover letters are necessary when sending your resume through mail. While a resume gives your complete introduction to the potential employer, a cover letter adds that personal touch that makes you stand out from the rest of the crowd. Keep your cover letter short. A cover letter’s purpose is to obtain an interview, not tellRead More
Resume Tips
1. Be neat and error free. Catch all misspelled words and grammatical errors. Make sure someone proofreads your resume, preferably someone attentive to details. Even the smallest error could land your resume in the reject pile. 2. Write a powerful opening statement. Form a solid, clear opening statement that will help you carry a focusedRead More