1-2 Years of Work Experience Resume

This is the package for the person who has paid their dues at that first entry-level job and is ready to climb up to the next rung on the career ladder. If you are one of these people, you need an early career resume/CV.
You probably still have your resume or CV from when you were a recent graduate looking for a job, and you are probably wondering what about it to change. You know you want to add the job experience you have accumulated over the last year or so, but it can be tricky to know what to get rid of on your old resume or CV in order to make room for new material. It can also be tricky to know how to present activities of an entry-level job as solid accomplishments. We can help you do both of these things. But what you must realize about your resume or CV at this point in your career is that it contains one real job, so it’s incredibly important to present that job in the best way possible, because that’s almost the sole basis on which employers are going to be judging you.
You probably had little to no job experience when you applied for your first entry-level job, which was fine, since employers aren't looking for people with experience if they are filling entry-level positions. But now your work experience really matters, and your fancy GPA and degree aren't nearly as important as they once were, since employers can see how you actually performed in the real world when evaluating your resume/CV. Although it may seem like adding a few lines about your one post-college job is the only difference between a recent graduate resume/CV and a resume/CV representing someone with a year or two in the work force, the truth is the two should be very different in terms of emphasis and focus. When you are graduating, you want to show all your associations and the diversity and breadth of your college experience, primarily because there really isn't anything else to show. This is no longer the case.
Now you need to show you know how to work, and you can produce results. There’s not nearly as much emphasis on potential now. You need to demonstrate that you have learned skills, implemented them, and achieved results. This can be hard, especially if your entry-level job, like most entry-level jobs, was basically a support role for senior staff. Luckily, we here at Resume to Interviews can show you how to stop defining your actions by who you were “supporting,” or “assisting” and start defining them according to the specific skills you used and the tangible results they produced.
It is easy to get caught in a sort of entry-level purgatory for more years than you planned if you don’t seek to move beyond that first job within a year or two. We will help you avoid this by creating an effective resume or CV that indicates that you hit the work force running, immediately contributed, and that any employer would be glad to hire you as you rocket onto bigger and better things.