3-5 Years of Work Experience Resume

If you have been in the workforce for between three and five years, you are actively climbing your way up the career ladder. Wherever you are, you are going to need an effective mid-career resume or CV.
People at this stage of their career can find themselves in a variety of places. You might have gotten a promotion or two at your first job and are now looking to test your chances in the job market with some real experience under your belt. You might have been struggling with part time jobs and contract gigs since college and are serious about getting a full-time job with benefits. Maybe you realized that what you thought you wanted to do for a career is not making you happy and you are ready to jump into an entirely different industry. Or you might have been laid off when it came time for downsizing since you were getting paid more than the entry-level people but lacked the seniority of those above you.
Whatever your situation is, if you have 3-5 years of experience we can create an effective mid-career resume or CV for you.
At this point in your career, you are probably going to have some real accomplishments you can hang your hat on. We will use these to demonstrate not only the accomplishments themselves, but the skills and knowledge you developed that made those accomplishments possible. We will focus on your job experience as your education will start to take a backseat. It can be difficult to quantify many of your accomplishments at this phase of your career, because often your accomplishments were done as a member of a team or in coordination with others. We will help you take ownership of both your accomplishments and the collaboration while neither shying from credit nor falsely embellishing your role.
This is often the time in your career when you have to make a choice about whether you want to continue what you are doing or whether you want to shift gears and really challenge yourself. If you are looking for a mid-career resume or CV, chances are you already recognize that this is true. We encourage you to go all in on your goals and ambitions. This is a critical point in your career, as you have enough experience to command attention in the marketplace while still being young enough that employers are evaluating your potential.
To maximize both your experience and your potential, buy the mid-career resume or CV package from Resume to Interviews.
3-5 Years of Work Experience Resume