The Career Changer Package includes everything in the Gold Package and adds the Compensation Negotiation Strategies One hour Skype Session. With the Career Changer Package you will learn how to take all the skills that you have developed over the years and effectively communicate how they are transferrable new opportunities and industries.
As a Career Changer, we will discuss the following to help you make a smooth and successful transition to your new career:
- What are your current skills?
- What skills are needed in your new career?
- How are your current skills transferable to your new career?
- How can you close the gap between your current skills and the skills you will need for your new career?
- How to network with individuals that can help you find the appropriate new career opportunity
- How to effectively communicate what you want to do next with your career and why you will be successful in the transition
- How to stay committed and passionate during the process and not give up!
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