Category: Graduate School

Mike K., Chicago, Illinois / Accounting and Auditing / Graduate School

Heya Resume to Interviews! Just chiming in to update my situation so far. I’ve sent out well over 10 graduate accountant applications. I have received four replies back. Of this, three have been ...More

Jessica, E., Boston, Massachusetts / Graduate School

Just wanted to follow up on the resume that I received a few months ago for my application to grad school. I found out this morning that I had been accepted! Given my mediocre GPA, I have to give a lo...More

Clark, G., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania / Graduate School

Just wanted to say these guys did great work on my resume for applying to grad school. He took the steaming terd that I had and turned it into a professional resume that is sure to serve me well....More

Jim, R., Manchester, United Kingdom / Graduate School

Another success story: I thought I had a pretty decent academic CV. I had gone online and used templates to conjure up a solid document. I didn’t think it could be improved all that much, but when i...More